I Survived My 20s – Dreams

I love the movie Nick and Norah’s Infinite Playlist. When I watch it, I relive my dream from high school.

My dreams were to move to New York City and spend my 20s living the city life– whatever that meant.

The issue of cost never did resolve itself.

My more realistic plan was to get an apartment and go to school in a midwest town near my high school boyfriend. But alas, we ended up pregnant instead, giving birth right before his final exams his freshman year of college.

We got married, and by the time we were 26, we had our fifth and final child.

So now when I watch a movie and imagine my unrealistic, never to be realized dream, I wonder, where did my 20s go?


I’m over at Devotional Diva today, posting about missing my 20’s.  Come on over to read the rest! 

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